TWD Road to Survival Guide of How to Win The Last Round of Telltale Event – Part 3 / Act Two


Winning the Telltale Event Part Three, Act Two is hard for TWD Road to Survival Players with a team rank of „A“. The event is suggested for A+ teams and zombies are really bitchy in this act – especially within the last two sections. But the rewards for this quest were so great that we decided to go for it. Yesterday we managed to win all six charges of section eight and we finally got this cool reward:

Rewards for winning the Telltale event pt3/act2 quest.
Rewards for winning the Telltale event pt3/act2 quest. Katjaa and two cool trainers.

Here’s full proof of our victory moment:

TWD Road to Survival guide
Victory! We beat the zombies back an got rewarded!


Here’s how we did it with team rank „A“ – a TWD Road to Survival Guide of how to win the last round of Telltale Event – Part 3 / Act II:

Even though our gunfighters are all higly developed, we found that they are no good for this quest. Mostly our team of gunmen got squished in round one or two, so we considered a new tactic for this last section (8) of the Pt.3 / Act II Telltale Quest. We chose close range fighters only and assembled our team regarding each character’s special abilities and buffs. Glenn an Allen are strong and fast fighters. Glenn has a nice buff to enhance the strength of the whole team and as his adrenaline rush has reached its highest level (10) and Glenn himself is almost leveled up completely, we found that he makes a good choice for this task. Allen is also a strong fighter (stage-3-level 24 plus rush 7/10), his rush is powerful and combined with a rush from Glenn he can beat the crap out of a high level zombie (especially the red ones).

Our Michonne is also leveled to her highest extent (Rush 10 and Level 50 at the time) and she has a convincing attack that keeps walkers at bay. Holly is another fast fighter and as a soldier she has the amazing ability to hurt a bunch of enemies simultaneously and cause bleeding when her rush is released. Although not fully developed (Rush of 4/10 and 3-stage Level 16 at the time) she makes a superb fighter, and is even better than Eugene who also has a mulitple attack when we rush him. He has reached his highest level (50) and has a rush of 7/10, which makes him a great asset in a zombie-killing squad. Clementine was our ally in this quest. She is the weakest member of the team, but has an amazing rush. When she is killed, she has a special feature that sends a nice goodby killing blow towards her attacker and dusts him in reverse. No need to say, that we especially protected Clementine – she’s just a kid after all.

A benefit of close range fighters is that they are less affected by a zombie bite. It doesn’t kill the immedeiately.

In short, we took these highly developed 3-star and stage-3 chars plus fitting weapons with max attack (15%-20%) or improved critical chance:

  • Glenn
  • Allen
  • Michonne
  • Holly
  • Eugene

In case we might lose some team members we chose to take along „smelling salts“ or „elegant incense“, as goes the offical term, instead of HP. Furthermore we took along the items „Grindstone“ and „Nitric Oxide“ to enhance our close range fighters‘ powers temporarily, plus three bunches of guts in the extreme cause that we might need protection from zombie masses that came too close.

To achieve a win we smartly used our adrenaline rushes, but still: after the last round we had used up ALL the items and achieved a narrow win. Very exciting. And: It was worth it. We got a cool reward, as Katjaa is not an ordinary character, but a healer with „special abilities“. That makes her a very strong ally for future quests indeed. Hooray!


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